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At Tantalum, we strive to provide VIP service. Whether you're new to spray tanning or a spray tan expert, we will ensure you have everything you need so you feel

confident and ready for your appointment.


How you prepare for and maintain your spray tan is extremely important and will make a significant difference in the final result and longevity of your sunless tan. Achieving a flawless result requires a team effort — 50% comes from the spray tan artist and the other 50% comes from you, our valued client. 


Follow these tips and tricks for optimum results, and rock your gorgeous glow! 

    Shaving and waxing should be done 24 - 48 hours prior to your appointment. This allows time for a shower or two before your spray tan appointment to ensure that all wax or other residue is completely removed from the skin. Wax can stay on the skin and make it difficult for the tanning solution to hold and apply smoothly. ​ It is not recommended you take a shower just before your spray tan session, however, if you absolutely must shower before your appointment, try to take it at least 3 hours prior (if possible). Aim for a 60 second - ‘in and out’ - COLD rinse. Although a hot shower sounds relaxing, the steam will cause the pores to open up which could negatively affect the results of the tan. DO NOT use any product like soap or shampoo to ensure no residue is left on the skin. ​ ***Pores need time to close and tighten before the solution is applied to the skin. If the pores are open at the time of your session, the skin may not absorb the solution properly and/or the cosmetic bronzer could soak into the pores leaving tiny brown spots on the skin.
    Exfoliation is one of the most important steps in prepping your skin to ensure a flawless result that will last for 7-10 days. Exfoliate the skin at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. If you can, exfoliate your skin 2-4 times before your session. We do not recommend exfoliating the day of the session to avoid any issues like product residue staying on the skin and/or open pores. The use of a simple exfoliating soap will not provide the best results. Body exfoliants, body scrubs, or body polishes used with an exfoliating mitt, sponge, or glove will provide a thorough exfoliation and remove those dead skin cells. While the entire body is important, be sure to give extra attention to the areas of the body that are more rough or dry - heels, ankles, elbows, knees, knuckles, underarms, wrists, etc. Spray tan solution can sometimes stick to areas that are more rough and dry making these areas darker and unnatural looking. Give those areas some extra love with an extra scrub!! ***EXFOLIATING is the process of removing dead skin cells from the outer layers of the skin. Giving your skin a good scrub will produce new skin cells, forming a smooth base your spray tan will stick to. Sunless products will be absorbed evenly and the result will be longer lasting. If exfoliation is done poorly or skipped altogether, the final result may be affected and/or your tan could fade unevenly. In addition, your spray tan could fade or disappear prematurely and in the form of blots as the skin will go through its natural self-renewal process. The dead skin cells will shed naturally, taking your spray tan with it.
    Ensure your skin is completely bare when arriving at your spray tan appointment. On the day of your spray tan session, do not use lotions of any kind, oil-based exfoliating products, gels, waxes, or shaving creams. Do not apply makeup, cream or moisturizer, sunscreen, perfume, or deodorant. These products could leave residue on the skin or create a barrier on the skin and deny the solution from developing correctly. ***If possible, moisturize your skin daily during the week leading up to your appointment. Hydration helps prepare your skin and will make your tan last longer. Do not moisturize your skin the day of your spray tan session.
    Be sure to book manicures and pedicures at least one day before your spray tan appointment. A barrier cream is applied on the nails so they will be protected during the application. Having a pedicure after your spray tan means taking the risk that your spray tan will fade prematurely, as you will be soaking your lower leg in hot water for a long period of time. In addition, the nail technician also uses rough applicators and scrubs on your legs and feet, which can exfoliate your skin and ruin your fresh spray tan. Avoid booking a manicure right after your spray tan appointment. If this is the only time you are able to go, be sure to let the technician know you just received a spray tan and that they should be very careful. DO NOT wash your hands as the tan is still developing - Remember to keep the skin dry until the initial rinse. and will cause your hands to look lighter than the rest of your body. Lash appointments should be booked before your spray tan session. The solution applied on the body is a gentle mist that will not affect eyelash extensions. Massages should be booked before your spray tan appointment. The use of oils and rubbing of the skin could cause your spray tan to break down and fade unevenly and prematurely. Facials should also be scheduled before your spray tan appointment. Aestheticians use of masks, various products, and with a spray tan will be too harsh for the skin and all colour on the face could disappear. Laser treatments should be completed and skin should be healed before a spray tan session. Similarly, we recommend waiting until a spray tan has been exfoliated and is completely gone if you want to receive laser treatment following a spray tan session.
    Be sure to wear (or bring) dark-coloured, loose-fitting clothing to your appointment to put on immediately after your spray tan. Choose items that cover the chest, arms, and legs fully, if possible. Exposed parts of the body increases the risk of skin-to-skin contact or contact with other things and can cause the final result to be uneven. The clothing items you choose to wear following your spray can have an impact on the final result. Be mindful of this and choose appropriate items. Clothing items to AVOID following your session: dresses; tight leggings, or any type of yoga pant; jeans/denim; cami tops; bras/sports bras; shorts; tight socks; clothing that has a tight elastic, drawstring, or waistband; tight-necked tops; any other item that hugs the skin. Clothing suggestions for warmer months: loose pajamas; breathable pants; flowy shirts or t-shirts; flip flops or sandals; light or loose cardigans; an umbrella on hand to stay dry in case of rain (droplets on the body after a fresh spray tan could cause the final result to be spotty). Clothing suggestions for colder months: loose pajamas; loose-waisted sweat pants; loose socks; loose fitting shoes that cover the feet; boots/Uggs (as long as they are not too tight on the feet); big sweaters; zip-up sweaters; hoodies; anything with a hood in case of snow or rain. Flip flops or sandals are a great shoe option for most months out of the year. EXTRA TIPS TO KEEP IN MIND * When choosing your loose-fitting clothes, you should not have difficulty putting these items on. They should slip right on without having to pull too hard. Remember, the spray tan solution is not completely dry once applied, so too much tugging or pulling when getting dressed after the application can cause the cosmetic bronzer to move around, resulting in an uneven tan. * We recommend staying in your post-spray loose-fitting clothes during the entire development period — even if you have an evening appointment and you are sleeping while the tan develops (See Aftercare Instructions for more details). Changing your clothes could A) shift the bronzer around affecting the final result; B) heighten the risk of touching your skin with your palms, which will transfer colour to that area, making your palms look unnatural post-rinse. * If you choose to wear a zip-up sweater immediately following your session, be sure to keep the zipper away from the body to avoid creating unwanted lines. * Be mindful of seatbelts - pull it slightly away from you if possible.
    The application can be done with or without any undergarments or bathing suits. You may choose to be fully nude during your spray tan session — this applies to FEMALES ONLY. You can wear as much or as little as you feel comfortable with during the application. Men MUST wear some sort of bottoms during the application. If you choose to wear a bathing suit or any sort of undergarment during the session, remember that you will have tan lines! Keep this in mind and put thought into what you choose to wear while being sprayed. Choose something that will not affect the clothing or outfits you plan to wear following your spray tan session.
    This is an area that you might think has absolutely nothing to do with spray tans — we are here to tell you that it is relevant and extremely important. We know all too well what it looks like when a client arrives dehydrated and has had nothing to eat prior to their appointment. From the time we prep your skin to the time we have completed the application, you are standing in one place for about 20 minutes. The combination of this standing time, holding your arms away from your body (to reduce skin-to-skin contact), and having an empty stomach could cause you to feel faint, dizzy, light-headed, or nauseous. We don’t want to worry anyone - this is quite rare. BUT in can happen and we want to take every precaution to ensure your safety and a smooth experience. We recommend having a meal or a snack, as well as some water before your appointment, so do your best to plan accordingly. We also have candy, juice, and water on site should you feel you need it during your appointment. Your safety, comfort, and overall experience is our number one priority. We are committed to being as accommodating as possible to ensure you feel good and you leave your appointment with a beautiful glow.
    Please notify us if you have a sunburn and/or your skin is peeling before your spray tan appointment. Under these circumstances, we suggest postponing your session and waiting until the skin has fully healed before receiving a spray tan. If you show up for your appointment and you have a sunburn and/or your skin is peeling, we will remind you of the risks and recommend rescheduling the appointment. ***A common misconception is that a spray tan will even out redness on the skin due to a sunburn. Truth is — most times, a spray tan on top of a sunburn will do just the opposite. Dead skin cells will shed naturally when you have a sunburn as they go through a natural cell renewal process. When you have a spray tan and your skin begins to peel, the spray tan will peel off with it, leaving you with an extremely uneven, patchy tan. In most cases, peeling skin is very noticeable because there is a contrast between the dark and light skin. Even if you show no signs of peeling during the time of the appointment, there is a good chance you eventually will. If you choose to go ahead with the spray tan regardless of the risks, we CANNOT GUARANTEE that you will end up with a natural, even glow that lasts for several days.
    Shaving and waxing should be done 24 - 48 hours prior to your appointment. This allows time for a shower or two before your spray tan appointment to ensure that all wax or other residue is completely removed from the skin. Wax can stay on the skin and make it difficult for the tanning solution to hold and apply smoothly. ​ It is not recommended you take a shower just before your spray tan session, however, if you absolutely must shower before your appointment, try to take it at least 3 hours prior (if possible). Aim for a 60 second - ‘in and out’ - COLD rinse. Although a hot shower sounds relaxing, the steam will cause the pores to open up which could negatively affect the results of the tan. DO NOT use any product like soap or shampoo to ensure no residue is left on the skin. ​ ***Pores need time to close and tighten before the solution is applied to the skin. If the pores are open at the time of your session, the skin may not absorb the solution properly and/or the cosmetic bronzer could soak into the pores leaving tiny brown spots on the skin.
    Exfoliation is one of the most important steps in prepping your skin to ensure a flawless result that will last for 7-10 days. Exfoliate the skin at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. If you can, exfoliate your skin 2-4 times before your session. We do not recommend exfoliating the day of the session to avoid any issues like product residue staying on the skin and/or open pores. The use of a simple exfoliating soap will not provide the best results. Body exfoliants, body scrubs, or body polishes used with an exfoliating mitt, sponge, or glove will provide a thorough exfoliation and remove those dead skin cells. While the entire body is important, be sure to give extra attention to the areas of the body that are more rough or dry - heels, ankles, elbows, knees, knuckles, underarms, wrists, etc. Spray tan solution can sometimes stick to areas that are more rough and dry making these areas darker and unnatural looking. Give those areas some extra love with an extra scrub!! ***EXFOLIATING is the process of removing dead skin cells from the outer layers of the skin. Giving your skin a good scrub will produce new skin cells, forming a smooth base your spray tan will stick to. Sunless products will be absorbed evenly and the result will be longer lasting. If exfoliation is done poorly or skipped altogether, the final result may be affected and/or your tan could fade unevenly. In addition, your spray tan could fade or disappear prematurely and in the form of blots as the skin will go through its natural self-renewal process. The dead skin cells will shed naturally, taking your spray tan with it.
    Ensure your skin is completely bare when arriving at your spray tan appointment. On the day of your spray tan session, do not use lotions of any kind, oil-based exfoliating products, gels, waxes, or shaving creams. Do not apply makeup, cream or moisturizer, sunscreen, perfume, or deodorant. These products could leave residue on the skin or create a barrier on the skin and deny the solution from developing correctly. ***If possible, moisturize your skin daily during the week leading up to your appointment. Hydration helps prepare your skin and will make your tan last longer. Do not moisturize your skin the day of your spray tan session.
    Be sure to book manicures and pedicures at least one day before your spray tan appointment. A barrier cream is applied on the nails so they will be protected during the application. Having a pedicure after your spray tan means taking the risk that your spray tan will fade prematurely, as you will be soaking your lower leg in hot water for a long period of time. In addition, the nail technician also uses rough applicators and scrubs on your legs and feet, which can exfoliate your skin and ruin your fresh spray tan. Avoid booking a manicure right after your spray tan appointment. If this is the only time you are able to go, be sure to let the technician know you just received a spray tan and that they should be very careful. DO NOT wash your hands as the tan is still developing - Remember to keep the skin dry until the initial rinse. and will cause your hands to look lighter than the rest of your body. Lash appointments should be booked before your spray tan session. The solution applied on the body is a gentle mist that will not affect eyelash extensions. Massages should be booked before your spray tan appointment. The use of oils and rubbing of the skin could cause your spray tan to break down and fade unevenly and prematurely. Facials should also be scheduled before your spray tan appointment. Aestheticians use of masks, various products, and with a spray tan will be too harsh for the skin and all colour on the face could disappear. Laser treatments should be completed and skin should be healed before a spray tan session. Similarly, we recommend waiting until a spray tan has been exfoliated and is completely gone if you want to receive laser treatment following a spray tan session.
    Be sure to wear (or bring) dark-coloured, loose-fitting clothing to your appointment to put on immediately after your spray tan. Choose items that cover the chest, arms, and legs fully, if possible. Exposed parts of the body increases the risk of skin-to-skin contact or contact with other things and can cause the final result to be uneven. The clothing items you choose to wear following your spray can have an impact on the final result. Be mindful of this and choose appropriate items. Clothing items to AVOID following your session: dresses; tight leggings, or any type of yoga pant; jeans/denim; cami tops; bras/sports bras; shorts; tight socks; clothing that has a tight elastic, drawstring, or waistband; tight-necked tops; any other item that hugs the skin. Clothing suggestions for warmer months: loose pajamas; breathable pants; flowy shirts or t-shirts; flip flops or sandals; light or loose cardigans; an umbrella on hand to stay dry in case of rain (droplets on the body after a fresh spray tan could cause the final result to be spotty). Clothing suggestions for colder months: loose pajamas; loose-waisted sweat pants; loose socks; loose fitting shoes that cover the feet; boots/Uggs (as long as they are not too tight on the feet); big sweaters; zip-up sweaters; hoodies; anything with a hood in case of snow or rain. Flip flops or sandals are a great shoe option for most months out of the year. EXTRA TIPS TO KEEP IN MIND * When choosing your loose-fitting clothes, you should not have difficulty putting these items on. They should slip right on without having to pull too hard. Remember, the spray tan solution is not completely dry once applied, so too much tugging or pulling when getting dressed after the application can cause the cosmetic bronzer to move around, resulting in an uneven tan. * We recommend staying in your post-spray loose-fitting clothes during the entire development period — even if you have an evening appointment and you are sleeping while the tan develops (See Aftercare Instructions for more details). Changing your clothes could A) shift the bronzer around affecting the final result; B) heighten the risk of touching your skin with your palms, which will transfer colour to that area, making your palms look unnatural post-rinse. * If you choose to wear a zip-up sweater immediately following your session, be sure to keep the zipper away from the body to avoid creating unwanted lines. * Be mindful of seatbelts - pull it slightly away from you if possible.
    The application can be done with or without any undergarments or bathing suits. You may choose to be fully nude during your spray tan session — this applies to FEMALES ONLY. You can wear as much or as little as you feel comfortable with during the application. Men MUST wear some sort of bottoms during the application. If you choose to wear a bathing suit or any sort of undergarment during the session, remember that you will have tan lines! Keep this in mind and put thought into what you choose to wear while being sprayed. Choose something that will not affect the clothing or outfits you plan to wear following your spray tan session.
    This is an area that you might think has absolutely nothing to do with spray tans — we are here to tell you that it is relevant and extremely important. We know all too well what it looks like when a client arrives dehydrated and has had nothing to eat prior to their appointment. From the time we prep your skin to the time we have completed the application, you are standing in one place for about 20 minutes. The combination of this standing time, holding your arms away from your body (to reduce skin-to-skin contact), and having an empty stomach could cause you to feel faint, dizzy, light-headed, or nauseous. We don’t want to worry anyone - this is quite rare. BUT in can happen and we want to take every precaution to ensure your safety and a smooth experience. We recommend having a meal or a snack, as well as some water before your appointment, so do your best to plan accordingly. We also have candy, juice, and water on site should you feel you need it during your appointment. Your safety, comfort, and overall experience is our number one priority. We are committed to being as accommodating as possible to ensure you feel good and you leave your appointment with a beautiful glow.
    Please notify us if you have a sunburn and/or your skin is peeling before your spray tan appointment. Under these circumstances, we suggest postponing your session and waiting until the skin has fully healed before receiving a spray tan. If you show up for your appointment and you have a sunburn and/or your skin is peeling, we will remind you of the risks and recommend rescheduling the appointment. ***A common misconception is that a spray tan will even out redness on the skin due to a sunburn. Truth is — most times, a spray tan on top of a sunburn will do just the opposite. Dead skin cells will shed naturally when you have a sunburn as they go through a natural cell renewal process. When you have a spray tan and your skin begins to peel, the spray tan will peel off with it, leaving you with an extremely uneven, patchy tan. In most cases, peeling skin is very noticeable because there is a contrast between the dark and light skin. Even if you show no signs of peeling during the time of the appointment, there is a good chance you eventually will. If you choose to go ahead with the spray tan regardless of the risks, we CANNOT GUARANTEE that you will end up with a natural, even glow that lasts for several days.
    Shaving and waxing should be done 24 - 48 hours prior to your appointment. This allows time for a shower or two before your spray tan appointment to ensure that all wax or other residue is completely removed from the skin. Wax can stay on the skin and make it difficult for the tanning solution to hold and apply smoothly. ​ It is not recommended you take a shower just before your spray tan session, however, if you absolutely must shower before your appointment, try to take it at least 3 hours prior (if possible). Aim for a 60 second - ‘in and out’ - COLD rinse. Although a hot shower sounds relaxing, the steam will cause the pores to open up which could negatively affect the results of the tan. DO NOT use any product like soap or shampoo to ensure no residue is left on the skin. ​ ***Pores need time to close and tighten before the solution is applied to the skin. If the pores are open at the time of your session, the skin may not absorb the solution properly and/or the cosmetic bronzer could soak into the pores leaving tiny brown spots on the skin.
    Exfoliation is one of the most important steps in prepping your skin to ensure a flawless result that will last for 7-10 days. Exfoliate the skin at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. If you can, exfoliate your skin 2-4 times before your session. We do not recommend exfoliating the day of the session to avoid any issues like product residue staying on the skin and/or open pores. The use of a simple exfoliating soap will not provide the best results. Body exfoliants, body scrubs, or body polishes used with an exfoliating mitt, sponge, or glove will provide a thorough exfoliation and remove those dead skin cells. While the entire body is important, be sure to give extra attention to the areas of the body that are more rough or dry - heels, ankles, elbows, knees, knuckles, underarms, wrists, etc. Spray tan solution can sometimes stick to areas that are more rough and dry making these areas darker and unnatural looking. Give those areas some extra love with an extra scrub!! ***EXFOLIATING is the process of removing dead skin cells from the outer layers of the skin. Giving your skin a good scrub will produce new skin cells, forming a smooth base your spray tan will stick to. Sunless products will be absorbed evenly and the result will be longer lasting. If exfoliation is done poorly or skipped altogether, the final result may be affected and/or your tan could fade unevenly. In addition, your spray tan could fade or disappear prematurely and in the form of blots as the skin will go through its natural self-renewal process. The dead skin cells will shed naturally, taking your spray tan with it.
    Ensure your skin is completely bare when arriving at your spray tan appointment. On the day of your spray tan session, do not use lotions of any kind, oil-based exfoliating products, gels, waxes, or shaving creams. Do not apply makeup, cream or moisturizer, sunscreen, perfume, or deodorant. These products could leave residue on the skin or create a barrier on the skin and deny the solution from developing correctly. ***If possible, moisturize your skin daily during the week leading up to your appointment. Hydration helps prepare your skin and will make your tan last longer. Do not moisturize your skin the day of your spray tan session.
    Be sure to book manicures and pedicures at least one day before your spray tan appointment. A barrier cream is applied on the nails so they will be protected during the application. Having a pedicure after your spray tan means taking the risk that your spray tan will fade prematurely, as you will be soaking your lower leg in hot water for a long period of time. In addition, the nail technician also uses rough applicators and scrubs on your legs and feet, which can exfoliate your skin and ruin your fresh spray tan. Avoid booking a manicure right after your spray tan appointment. If this is the only time you are able to go, be sure to let the technician know you just received a spray tan and that they should be very careful. DO NOT wash your hands as the tan is still developing - Remember to keep the skin dry until the initial rinse. and will cause your hands to look lighter than the rest of your body. Lash appointments should be booked before your spray tan session. The solution applied on the body is a gentle mist that will not affect eyelash extensions. Massages should be booked before your spray tan appointment. The use of oils and rubbing of the skin could cause your spray tan to break down and fade unevenly and prematurely. Facials should also be scheduled before your spray tan appointment. Aestheticians use of masks, various products, and with a spray tan will be too harsh for the skin and all colour on the face could disappear. Laser treatments should be completed and skin should be healed before a spray tan session. Similarly, we recommend waiting until a spray tan has been exfoliated and is completely gone if you want to receive laser treatment following a spray tan session.
    Be sure to wear (or bring) dark-coloured, loose-fitting clothing to your appointment to put on immediately after your spray tan. Choose items that cover the chest, arms, and legs fully, if possible. Exposed parts of the body increases the risk of skin-to-skin contact or contact with other things and can cause the final result to be uneven. The clothing items you choose to wear following your spray can have an impact on the final result. Be mindful of this and choose appropriate items. Clothing items to AVOID following your session: dresses; tight leggings, or any type of yoga pant; jeans/denim; cami tops; bras/sports bras; shorts; tight socks; clothing that has a tight elastic, drawstring, or waistband; tight-necked tops; any other item that hugs the skin. Clothing suggestions for warmer months: loose pajamas; breathable pants; flowy shirts or t-shirts; flip flops or sandals; light or loose cardigans; an umbrella on hand to stay dry in case of rain (droplets on the body after a fresh spray tan could cause the final result to be spotty). Clothing suggestions for colder months: loose pajamas; loose-waisted sweat pants; loose socks; loose fitting shoes that cover the feet; boots/Uggs (as long as they are not too tight on the feet); big sweaters; zip-up sweaters; hoodies; anything with a hood in case of snow or rain. Flip flops or sandals are a great shoe option for most months out of the year. EXTRA TIPS TO KEEP IN MIND * When choosing your loose-fitting clothes, you should not have difficulty putting these items on. They should slip right on without having to pull too hard. Remember, the spray tan solution is not completely dry once applied, so too much tugging or pulling when getting dressed after the application can cause the cosmetic bronzer to move around, resulting in an uneven tan. * We recommend staying in your post-spray loose-fitting clothes during the entire development period — even if you have an evening appointment and you are sleeping while the tan develops (See Aftercare Instructions for more details). Changing your clothes could A) shift the bronzer around affecting the final result; B) heighten the risk of touching your skin with your palms, which will transfer colour to that area, making your palms look unnatural post-rinse. * If you choose to wear a zip-up sweater immediately following your session, be sure to keep the zipper away from the body to avoid creating unwanted lines. * Be mindful of seatbelts - pull it slightly away from you if possible.
    The application can be done with or without any undergarments or bathing suits. You may choose to be fully nude during your spray tan session — this applies to FEMALES ONLY. You can wear as much or as little as you feel comfortable with during the application. Men MUST wear some sort of bottoms during the application. If you choose to wear a bathing suit or any sort of undergarment during the session, remember that you will have tan lines! Keep this in mind and put thought into what you choose to wear while being sprayed. Choose something that will not affect the clothing or outfits you plan to wear following your spray tan session.
    This is an area that you might think has absolutely nothing to do with spray tans — we are here to tell you that it is relevant and extremely important. We know all too well what it looks like when a client arrives dehydrated and has had nothing to eat prior to their appointment. From the time we prep your skin to the time we have completed the application, you are standing in one place for about 20 minutes. The combination of this standing time, holding your arms away from your body (to reduce skin-to-skin contact), and having an empty stomach could cause you to feel faint, dizzy, light-headed, or nauseous. We don’t want to worry anyone - this is quite rare. BUT in can happen and we want to take every precaution to ensure your safety and a smooth experience. We recommend having a meal or a snack, as well as some water before your appointment, so do your best to plan accordingly. We also have candy, juice, and water on site should you feel you need it during your appointment. Your safety, comfort, and overall experience is our number one priority. We are committed to being as accommodating as possible to ensure you feel good and you leave your appointment with a beautiful glow.
    Please notify us if you have a sunburn and/or your skin is peeling before your spray tan appointment. Under these circumstances, we suggest postponing your session and waiting until the skin has fully healed before receiving a spray tan. If you show up for your appointment and you have a sunburn and/or your skin is peeling, we will remind you of the risks and recommend rescheduling the appointment. ***A common misconception is that a spray tan will even out redness on the skin due to a sunburn. Truth is — most times, a spray tan on top of a sunburn will do just the opposite. Dead skin cells will shed naturally when you have a sunburn as they go through a natural cell renewal process. When you have a spray tan and your skin begins to peel, the spray tan will peel off with it, leaving you with an extremely uneven, patchy tan. In most cases, peeling skin is very noticeable because there is a contrast between the dark and light skin. Even if you show no signs of peeling during the time of the appointment, there is a good chance you eventually will. If you choose to go ahead with the spray tan regardless of the risks, we CANNOT GUARANTEE that you will end up with a natural, even glow that lasts for several days.
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